Minolta Hi-Matic 7s and Walgreens
First and foremost, cameras had awesome names in the 60s. The Hi-Matic sounds like Ron Popeil named it. The 7s is a 35mm rangefinder with a fixed 45mm f1.8 lens. It has manual aperture and shutter speed controls as well as a matched needle meter (the only function that requires a battery). Best of all, it is cheap. At time of writing, this camera was only $9.99!
The second part is the processing. My regular lab (Richard Photo Lab) is very good, but professional quality work is not cheap. So, for some personal work and test rolls, I use Walgreens. There is a big difference, but I think it is an amazing value for the price. Especially when you consider they will do it in one hour. Normally a roll of 35mm costs $5-$6 (oddly, it has never been the same price twice) for processing and low resolution scanning.
So, find a camera (preferably with manual controls) and shoot!
Tech Notes:
The shot of the camera was taken with a Fuji Instax 210. The clouds were taken with the Hi-Matic 7s on VERY expired Fuji X-Tra 800 film. Processed and scanned by Walgreens.